
Showing posts from August, 2010

Hidden Treasures

Sometimes its the things you forget about that are really important and leave an impression on you. We recently went to Lake Mary for the afternoon with our wee one to have a look and get out of town for a little while. It really was so refreshing going there and so picturesque Aaliyah loved to chase the birds and my gosh there was so many different types of wildlife there.From Gullahs to seagulls,Fantails,Parrots and that's just the birds. We saw so many Rabbits and baby Rabbits. There was also lots of holes in the sand from scorpions which is rather scary i would have liked to venture much further into the bush but i need to remind my self i have no idea what could be in there and what to do if something came after me. I was told about this buy some of our friends they said its alright for the kids they get brought up being told at school what to look out for and what types of snakes are deadly etc Its so easy to forget what could be in there and the dangers that lerk but you h...

Absolute dispair

Lately i have been seeing and hearing absolute horrid stories of what people have either done to there own children or whats been done to children. Children are the most pure, innocent little beings that deserve nothing but love, encouragement, guidance and most importantly PROTECTION.... But in some cases no matter how much we try to protect our children things still happen.. That thought alone sends shivers up my spine and that is my biggest worry in life. As a mother i want nothing more than to be able to put a see through protective box around my child to stop anything bad happening to her in her lifetime. It hurts to even watch or hear what is happening in the world around us. How could a human being , One of our own kind EVER !! EVER!!!! Think of hurting a poor innocent child????? I just don't understand how somebody could be that heart less and sick, Sick is the main thing i mean its not normal to hurt anybody but it always brings it home when a child is involved. There was ...


As i start to get better i feel much more positive and feel i have a good handle on this situation with my face. Its healing and is getting much better. Being inside was awful its so hard to not go out and enjoy the fresh air and do things, I also love the sun so having to avoid that is awful. Its funny to think that from now on i will have to wear a hat and cover up. Today for the first time i went to Story time at the library with Aaliyah and didn't wear a scratch of make up no moisturizer nothing (not that i had a choice in the matter) And it honestly didn't actually bother me at all. I even forgot that i wasn't wearing make up. Now coming from me who never leaves the house with out a full face of make up on , that is quite big. I actually feel really good about it and believe that this is my reason for this to happen to me, to help me grow as a person and feel more confident bearing all for the world to see. People that are naturally beautiful and used to not wearing m...
Pics taken of my friends doggie i love Marlee