Hidden Treasures
Sometimes its the things you forget about that are really important and leave an impression on you. We recently went to Lake Mary for the afternoon with our wee one to have a look and get out of town for a little while. It really was so refreshing going there and so picturesque Aaliyah loved to chase the birds and my gosh there was so many different types of wildlife there.From Gullahs to seagulls,Fantails,Parrots and that's just the birds. We saw so many Rabbits and baby Rabbits. There was also lots of holes in the sand from scorpions which is rather scary i would have liked to venture much further into the bush but i need to remind my self i have no idea what could be in there and what to do if something came after me. I was told about this buy some of our friends they said its alright for the kids they get brought up being told at school what to look out for and what types of snakes are deadly etc Its so easy to forget what could be in there and the dangers that lerk but you h...