Absolute dispair

Lately i have been seeing and hearing absolute horrid stories of what people have either done to there own children or whats been done to children.

Children are the most pure, innocent little beings that deserve nothing but love, encouragement, guidance and most importantly PROTECTION....

But in some cases no matter how much we try to protect our children things still happen..
That thought alone sends shivers up my spine and that is my biggest worry in life.

As a mother i want nothing more than to be able to put a see through protective box around my child to stop anything bad happening to her in her lifetime.

It hurts to even watch or hear what is happening in the world around us.
How could a human being , One of our own kind EVER !! EVER!!!! Think of hurting a poor innocent child?????
I just don't understand how somebody could be that heart less and sick, Sick is the main thing i mean its not normal to hurt anybody but it always brings it home when a child is involved.

There was a picture on Fb a few of you would have seen.
Just the picture alone is what made me bring this up.I could'nt bear to open that box to see what had been done to that child...

I get very emotional about things like this and i guess its because i am a mother so you start to think how how HOW could anyone hurt there own child????

Children can cause stress and exhaustion i understand that and i no there is a lot i don't no and understand but i could never hurt a child.

I was watching a true crime programme on TV the other night and a man had killed these children and placed them under a bridge covered there bodies with rocks and filled there mouths with dirt.
I turned to Hayden with tears in my eyes in said How How could anyone do this.

You cant even start to comprehend what these children's poor family's must go through its heart breaking just heart breaking.

How can this be that people are sick enough o be able to do this to someone???A child even...

I love my baby and i love all children and wanted to share my thoughts on this subject.


  1. A touching post Lisa, a thought provoking subject to write about

  2. lovely comments honey i agree with you if you bring children into this love them every minute of the day the are so special...Love you


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