Thats the thing called Life after all
Sitting back and looking back on a recent trip to New Zealand i count my lucky stars to have an amazing group of friends and a close knit family.
I am so pleased to be able go through life's journeys with such neat people.
I can't help but feel the pinch of not having them around all the time with me but in the long run everything will fall into play.
At the moment we are on our adventure in the Desert.
Theres days where you think "Seriously what are we doing??? why are we here??"
But on the majority of days you find a positive and will find yourself thinking oh gosh that is pretty or hmmm that was quite cool ya no......
Its Spring and jeeze it sure does get hot in the Desert, I wondered into Aaliyahs room the other night at 9.30pm and it was still 29 degrees. So it doesn't cool down to much overnight.
My veggies are feeling the heat and its a struggle to keep them prodding along, Hayds project this block off is to make a shade cover for them.
The dogs are feeling the heat as well so i popped them in the paddling pool for a splash the other day, They weren't sure what to think was rather funny.
With heat brings Flys ..... & they are everywhere they get right up your nose in your ears and eyes and lets no forget in your mouth.
Aaliyah has eaten quite a few (i figure they can't do much harm)..
Other than flys the more serious things come out of hibernation in Spring/Summer as well
Yup you guessed it SNAKES and theres around 5-8 different species here. Not to mention the two backyard call outs in the last week for Brown Snakes.
And then theres the Goannas.
Lizards thats natural instinct is to run up things so if we see them we gotta run as they will run straight up you and have really big sharp claws.
All in all its actually a really pretty place though and there is so many beautiful wild flowers here that in spring just flourish and look amazing.
You would be driving along the road or walking in most cases and they just line the streets everywhere, the Desert is covered in bright pinks, purples, reds, black, white, yellows just everywhere its like looking at painting all the time.
So different to anything i have seen before and the birds are beautiful, Theres so many.
You walk outside and the Desert is on your doorstep.
Every morning i go out to water my garden and the birds are chirping away and fluttering around the place.
So lets embrace each day as it comes
Be thankful for the loved ones we have in life
and most importantly be happy.
You may not be where you want to be in life but do remember to be grateful for what you do have and what you have done to get to where you are at present....
Life is what you make of it after all ................
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