What in the World

Today's post is about thoughts provoked by what is taking place around the world currently.
There is so much devastation and loss....

So many things that i thought i would never see in my life time.

Firstly starting with the flooding in Queensland and the loss of so many peoples homes lively hoods and most importantly lives.
It was an eye opener to see what can happen without any warning.
If we hadn't moved away from Qld our home would have been flooded and i hate to think what that would be like.
You spend so long taking pride of home and surrounding yourself with processions and beautiful things that create your home.
A home is filled with so many memories especially photos.

Then came the Christchurch Earth Quake how could this happen to our beautiful homeland New Zealand...
Its so close to home and to be down in Christchurch whilst in New Zealand and seeing some of the devastation was just mind blowing.
So many places once visited and always familiar. Lost many of them forever.
To experience some of the after shocks was scary i couldn't sleep as the room around me shook and the lights jingled and the cups clattered together.
How do those amazing people of Christchurch manage and cope with this everyday.
It must be like walking on egg shells constantly.
Still it was surprising how many still carry on and get on with life i guess with knowing life must go on we have no choice but to carry on.
As i walked through Northlands Mall and saw all the shops damaged and collapsed ceilings it was quite frightening to think what these staff members would have experienced during the big Quake..

And now for Japan and the Earth Quake there followed by the Tsunami and to really see what Mother Nature is really capable of.
The mass of destruction and the enormity of the situation is hard to grasp and comprehend.

My heart goes out to all the families/friends and loved affected by all of these tragedies...

Through all of this it does open my eyes to how short life really can be and how important it is to live each day to the fullest.
Not focusing our energies on negativity's but being happy and enjoying the time we spend with Family and friends

Look around and thank your lucky stars for the life you lead and the people that surround your life.
Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers and listen to the birds as they chirp away to there merry selves.

Life really is toooo short so be happy :)


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