
Showing posts from August, 2011

Time to kick butt

Argghhh time to try and slug my guts out to get this 10kg worth of weight off. No i am not one of the lucky ones that looses there baby weight from breast feeding.I have to work work work at it to get any of it to budge. I didn't realise how much weight i had gained as over here now they don't do any weigh ins during your pregnancy as they say to many women were watching what they ate and if gained to much each fortnight etc were dieting and doing stupid things like that. So right up until the last 1.5 months i hadn't gained much weight so just was totally unaware of how much i had gained at the end. Let me give you the tip The jump on the scales was a big YIKES when i looked down. I am doing this for myself to feel better, everyday at the moment i look in the mirror and am not happy with the bigger person i am currently and don't like the fact i cant fit into hardly any of my clothes This huge weight gain is down to the fact i couldn't exercise dur...

Good Old Fashioned Mums Rice Pudding Recipe

Here is the perfect recipe for a cold winters night family pudding The best part is its quick and so easy to make And might i add a very cheap pudding 1 Cup of short grain Rice 1/2 Litre of Milk 2 Tbsp of Butter 3 Tbsp of Sugar 2 Drops of Vanilla Essence Mix all together and pour into a greased oven proof dish Bake at 180 slowly for about an hour Served with Cream & good old Vanilla Ice Cream

Preggy Pics taken day before i had Lacey-Jay


Settling into life with my new fuller family

I cant believe how time buzzes by at such a fast rate with a newborn, Its so easy to loose track of days/dates/times. I am settling into having 2 children and enjoying the time i have been able to have with my Sister, Niece Skye and my mother whilst they are in Australia. To say its much busier is an understatement in fact at times life in this house is chaos and i struggle at times to find time to race through the shower and most days go without a scrap of make up on my face. Still i wouldn't change it for the world and embrace this special time i am having with my 2 dear wee girls. As lets face it life just passes you by so fast. Lacey-Jay isn't much of a sleeper and is going through the whole "i must be held by my mummy at all times" which can be rather difficult for Aaliyah when she needs her mummy also. That is the one thing i am struggling with, I just worry so much she may be missing out on all important (Mummy Time) after having me all to hersel...

Yesss we did it !!!

We got there / We did it!!!!!!!! After such a long pregnancy the light at the end of the tunnel finally arrived, Our baby arrived and safely ..... The day before my booked Csection i was SO nervous filled with worry and doubts about whether i could go through with it whilst being awake, The day took forever. I had my shower the night before using the special loafer sponge thing to wash my body took my pills then went to bed and tossed and turned allll night. The morning of the Ceaser we got to the hospital at 6.15am ready to get signed in and put through all the pre op services and ultrasounds.. My nerves grew and grew but i was doing OK, The Time came at 8am to get wheeled away from Hayden and taken into the room ready to have my epidural placed in my back. I'm bent over ready to go when there is a knock at the door and a lady comes flying in with the phone saying hold that, "Theres an emergency ceaser coming in" So out i get wheeled and told there would be a 2hour wait...