Off to a flying start
Being the last day of January already i realize how fast this year is buzzing by & i have so many goals i wish to achieve this year. Last year was all about coping and getting through each day without much choice in things we did, Especially Aaliyah. I look at what last year must have been like for Aaliyah and that poor wee girl must have been put through so much. We relocated twice last year and that alone is a lot for a wee chicken. Once from S.A to Brisbane then to Airlie Beach. She wasn't involved in any playgroups or activities and that so guts me deeply, that was'nt by choice either we just couldn't get her to these things being in Australia and in our situation. If you know Aaliyah you will no how much of a social butterfly she is and how crazy active she is as well. This year we are off to a great start. Aaliyah is enrolled in Jazz and Bambino Beats music and dance class, Plus Swimming lessons that start this Friday.. And after just starting...