Juggling Act

Being a Parent can be the ultimate juggling act!!!

I say act because so many people from the outside can look as though they have there "shit" together

Its a fabrication we are all struggling in our own way ! Me included..

Don't get me wrong i LOVE my LIFE & my Life's Blessings (My Children) but man it can be so hard juggling & getting the balance right ! Often i don't which in turn is where i end up burnt out!

As a Mother i want my Girls to have everything & experience as much as possible so i try my best to cram as much into there lives as humanly possible but its a fine line between to much & just enough.

Especially with a FIFO Daddy! The Stints he is on shift can be chaos unless i have my organisation down to a tee.

Between Airport Runs,  School Runs & then racing to Kindergarten which both start at exactly the same time 3days a week + the extra Curricular activities - Swimming/Tennis, I am wanting to get the Girls into a musical instrument as well but where is the time?  Both Swim lessons are different days & times as well as Tennis so thats 4x a week . Home work that takes a chunk out of your evening also.

I also have an obsession with being near the Ocean & trying to juggle time to get there !

Then theres your Dr's appointments (i almost live at the Dr), School appointments, Dentist,  Hair dressers there is always something on the cards or somewhere we need to be..

Miss 4 is also still home with me a few days a week & the closer Children get to School age the more stimulation they want & need which i am aware of so try to fill our days with the perfect balance of fun & laughter + Learning

We are all running our own race & its not the case first to the finish Wins !!!!

Its totally do able iv managed fine for the best part of 7years now , Living away for the most part with no Family support to surround myself with.

But the inner juggle i have is all the things strewn around in my head that I as an "individual" want to achieve & the things i want to get done!!!

My number one role is MUMMY and i love being a Mother its my greatest achievement & brings me the upmost joy.

But it doesn't define me !!

I have such a busy mind & if i voiced all the things that interest me & what i want to be/do would sound ridiculous to sound off a few would be

Own my own Up-cycling Business with added extras  
Make up Artist , Beauty Therapist, Study the Human Body & all things Health related, Air Hostess, Own my own handmade Business, Animal Fosterer & the biggest is be a Gypsy & Travel the World with the Children but thats just a few off the top of my head.

See told you i was busy minded didn't i !

I have my hand in so many baskets so i struggle to step back & breathe sometimes!
I cannot stand starting something & not finishing it & when i set my mind to things thats it !!!! Its happening

So as i lay awake each night i filter through what id like to achieve the following day & whats actually achievable.

I have my must do list which is = Sorting the Children for the day,  Endless washing + House hold chores oh i love cleaning (said no one ever!!)  but then there's what i want to get done whether its Painting & Up-cycling a project, sorting something Handmade, Making a gift or squeezing a walk in. Baking something or preparing one of my Meals.

I say my Meals because i follow a very strict eating Routine to insure my Health stays at its upmost best possible & that can be at times rather bland & i don't believe "My" Children should have to succumb to that just because i do which  in turn takes time! So if i can Meal Prep & prepare certain things in advance then thats going to set me up for more time further down the track.

With my Health i can burn out really easily & become very Fatigued this comes out of nowhere & can last a day or a week/weeks at a time so i need to remember to listen to my body & sometimes slow down..

I think our biggest juggle is House Reno's & this monstrous Yard !!
Between what we want to achieve & what we can achieve !!!

El Russo Ranch she's a big job to put it lightly !! There is a whole lot that needs done to this old Girl & at times myself & Hayden both can feel we are just getting nowhere ..

Time passes so quickly so the most important thing i have to remind myself is to Live in the Moment, Love, Breathe & let go sometimes as tomorrow is another day !!!!

                            Remembering where you started & how far your've come !!

Not forgetting as long as your trying your hardest then its enough !!! Its always been ENOUGH ! Your are ENOUGH ....


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