That magical time of year

Well its getting close to that magical time of year again and i cant wait, i just looooooove Xmas.

For me its not about receiving gifts its more about giving to others and getting together and having a celebration.
This will be fourth Xmas away from home and away from loved ones so will be quite isolating but and a big but it is..

I'm not going to let that stop us having a wonderful day.It may be only myself Hayden and Aaliyah OH and Pixie and Paddington but we can still have a lovely time.

I found a Xmas pudding at our supermarket made in NZ so its got to be a yummy one and well look forward to that.
I'm especially excited about how Aaliyah is going to find Xmas this year as shes a little bit older in saying that last Xmas we could have just got her 3 rolls of Xmas paper as she just so loved ripping the paper open and screwing it up and of course eating it.
I no your meant to wait until December 1st to put your tree up but when have i ever been one for tradition???? i have never put my tree up then i always can't wait that long.

This year though i may wait a little longer for the trees to go up as i think lil miss curiosity may want to get her fingers into everything.

I couldn't wait another day longer so i have now put up the decorations around the house and dressed the table etc. Aaliyah is so fascinated with everything and points but so far hasn't pulled anything down ( i no i no it will only be a matter of time).
I will wait until the weekend of the 27th November to get help from Hayds putting all our Xmas lights up as that i can't do myself and the trees will follow after that.

I love the spirit of Christmas and all the beautiful decorations that are around , the colours the jingling everything really and the carols of course.

One problem i have is my little Minnie is scared of Santa
Yesterday she was crying crying crying and in such a state i couldn't figure it out then i realized its the Santa's.
Shes not a cuddly clingy girl at all but yesterday she sat on my knee for 1.5 hours and once she stopped crying she would point to the Santa's and make a sobbing noise at them.
We have a Santa on the door that sings when you walk up to it, well Aaliyah wont walk out the door and is terrified of him even shakes.

If you have any suggestions of how i can tell my toddler that Santa isn't scary hes her friend that would be great as I'm a little stuck.
I have noticed its only the Santa's around the house that have glasses on that seem to scare her oddly enough.

The best gift at Xmas is easy to see
its not wrapped in paper or under the tree
Cos the best gift at Xmas and all the year through
is having a child as special as you !!!!
I love you Aaliyah


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