A Glimpse into the second trimester of pregnancy no2
Things are going along in such a rapid pace i feel i am going to get to the end of this pregnancy and not get enough time to be able to look back and reflect on what it was like and how i was feeling at the time.
I am 23.5 Weeks and although it does seem to be taking a long time, being the second pregnancy and now having a toddler i quite often find myself forgetting i am even pregnant.
But in saying that this little Ladybug is such an active baby, so much more so than Aaliyah was.
Aaliyah was quite active as well but not like this.
I constantly am feeling kicks and wiggles and wriggles and if i have my arm resting across my stomach i quite often get a good kick in my arm to remind me that "hey I'm a little ladybug growing in here get your arm off me "
Last night for example Hayden held his hand to my tummy and she was kicking away flat out.
He was just gobsmacked at how much he could feel and how fast she was kicking and wriggling around.
Aaliyah was the total opposite as soon as a hand was held against my tummy she would lay still and refuse to move, So Hayden only got to feel her a handful of times.
Being my second pregnancy i felt movements so much earlier as well at 13weeks i could feel her wriggling away.
Its such a beautiful feeling and i enjoy the fact its a special closeness that only i truly share with the baby..
Also i have already starting getting Braxton Hicks which i didn't even notice the first time around until much later in the pregnancy.
I was quite startled at first and wondered if i had in fact been doing to much lifting and straining my stomach but after some research i am at ease knowing that in fact this is perfectly normal.
My size is bigger this time around as to be expected At 23weeks i believe i am the size i was at 28weeks with Aaliyah so wonder how big i will actually get.
One of the unfortunate things is Ladybug is already sitting on a nerve in my back as did Aaliyah but it limits things i can do somewhat and for the last 2weeks carrying Aaliyah i couldn't walk really anywhere.
So with it starting so early this time round is slightly worrying of how i will manage but i will get to a Dr in Queensland and ask about some options on physio for my back.
Also with having a busy Toddler i struggle to find the time to sit down and read up on where the baby is at and how big she is etc and what shes doing this week etc...
In coming weeks i will endeavour to make the time as i so enjoyed reading about where Aaliyah was at in growth etc each week
I am so excited to set up the nursery and to decorate and personalize specially for Ladybug.
I have been bursting at the seems to sort through all of Aaliyahs newborn gear and get it all put away all ready for her arrival.
Its great that they are both winter babies so means as little miss Ladybug grows she will have all the clothes in the right seasons and right sizes.
I love this baby more and more each day and know she will fit into our family perfectly I'm so glad we are having a girl to give Aaliyah a sister so she can experience (fingers crossed) the close relationship sisters have, as me and my sister are just so so close and the best of friends.
I look forward to them playing pretend kitchens and teachers and Dolly's like me and my sister did.
I'm so fortunate and lucky the sickness passed as i didn't have a chance to enjoy the first trimester of pregnancy at all, So this second trimester i am enjoying greatly.
It was so special to be able to take my mother into a scan with me and watch the baby wriggling around.
Mum was amazed at how i wasn't showing at all but the baby was yes in fact in there and wriggling around and the detail of the scan.
so that was wonderful and something i didn't get to do whilst carrying Aaliyah.
I look forward to the moment i get to first lay eyes on my baby and see what she looks like
The moment you hold your baby in your arms for the first time, you wonder how could such a tiny bundle of thing create so much emotions within you. And you wonder if it's possible that you've actually brought such a tiny, beautiful being into this world.
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