How to make the decision of how many children to have?

That is the big question but there is so much more to it than meets the eye.

In an idealistic world i think i would have 4 children

In all honestly i think thats how many i would like.

I love having my children around me & the thought of when they grow older is quite beautiful, I like the big family thing & although it would be crazy busy and full on a lot of the time that sits ok with me.

Thing is its not as easy as saying ok thats how many we will have.

I worry that after having Lacey-Jay its a sign we shouldn't push our boundaries and take it as a warning that we shouldn't attempt a 3rd or even a 4th.

My body doesn't do Pregnancy its trouble after trouble.

Money's a big thing & as much as it sounds kinda materialistic you do have to factor that into the equation.

Would you be able to afford to have the lifestyle you may so wish? Or just live comfortably?

Two children is common ground & then three you have to think will we have enough bedrooms or will they share?

Then theres the bigger car thing & if they wanted to bring a friend home would they fit.

Would you be able to spread your love around & have individual time for each child.

Is it greedy to want more?

Should we take what we have blessings and leave it alone not tempt fate?

These are all questions i swirl around in my head ever so often but now its been taken away from me.

I cannot have another child anytime soon due to the Chemo treatment i will be on & although i wasn't planning on another child in the next 6months i feel kinda odd that now its beyond my control and that even if we wanted to we cant.

And then part of me feels really selfish because of how hard people try to fall pregnant and cant & the troubles they have.

We have been so blessed to easily fall pregnant but so many of my friends around have not & i have seen the pain & heartache that causes.

Lastly my health is the biggest thing

Will my body be able to manage carrying  another child & would my movement be ok

Thats just a few things i personally consider whilst thinking if more children, Im sure each and every one of us thinks differently on this topic but these are my thoughts as is Hayds.

In saying that though Hayds was ready for us to have another child last Christmas !!!!!! to which he was promptly reminded "This baby factory is closed for maintenance" 


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