
Today and for the past week this small town is starting to get to me.
Theres only so much doing nothing someone can take!

Its school holidays so that doesn't help as nothing, literally nothing is on during school holidays.
I feel like whipping off for the day like i used to be able to do.
Just whipping off shopping for hours on end would be great, wondering around a mall, Traveling to one of the outlet stores, Or popping over to Redcliffe for the day.
Taking Aaliyah to the park, Feeding the ducks, Going for a swim in a heated pool,Taking Aaliyah for a ride at the mall, Going out for lunch and getting Sushi ....The list goes on.

There is not a lot you can do here !!!!
I feel like i am trapped sometimes and get quite Claustrophobic at the thought how far in the middle of nowhere we are.
I mean a Desert 6hrs from Civilisation..

Saturday night we had a bonfire and a chap there Ryan has now told us that all the lil holes in the Desert everywhere out back of our house is Scorpion holes "i mean oh my god"......
I actually live somewhere there is Scorpions some people would think this is cool but its freaks me ouuuuuuttt...
Also the guy has told us he will invite us around for a Weber and cook sheep brains and kangaroo tails and a few other equally as delish things..(Um nooo thank you)
Nice as guy actually lovely guy but ill pass on the food suggested ta.

You no you go out of the house i walk daily its ten minutes into town which consists of 7 or so shops then if you really wanted you could walk right around the whole town which i have done just before, took less than an hour hmmmm.

So my thoughts go on what else can i do here??????

Its not so bad when Hayds is home from work but its the 5days in between that are extremely boring at times.
Crafts you say yeah doing that as well but feel as though i need something more.
I have thought about the work option and putting Aaliyah into care but I'm not sure about that as yet, It just doesnt feel right to me personally and i want to spend this time with Aaliyah teachig her things one on one.
I was at playgroup and saw the kids at childcare and there was honestly 8 outside and not 1 carer maybe cos they were 3-4 i don't no but i wasn't impressed and they were squishing there face between the bars calling out to us as they were so bored.

This may be coming across quite negative today but this is my thoughts at this present moment
But in saying that i no i am just having one of those weeks and this will pass.

I will take this as an obstacle..

Observe every obstacle as a learning experience.
The greater the challenge,the greater the reward....


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