Stressed !!!!!!!
Its day 5 of 2weeks being stuck at home inside as my face heals.
I am to avoid sunlight all together.
This is one of the hardest times in my life at the moment and i struggle to find the energy to look for positives in this.
I have been to the specialist and have been Diagnosed (id rather not elaborate on what.)
But at this point in time my face is so so much worse.
If you could imagine how sensitive skin is on your face and right now mine is like one blister.
I really hope i have been diagnosed correctly and this does actually heal.
The Specialist did say it will get much much worse before it starts to get better with the medication.
I worry when the blister which covers the majority of my face heals it may leave scarring and i will require laser surgery.That doesn't worry me so much as the pain I'm in now surely is worse.
I am not allowed in the sun
I am not allowed to use my beloved teeth whitener
I'm not allowed to use my toothpaste with whitener in
I'm not even allowed to use shampoo or conditioner with fragrance
(I'm thinking i may get my teeth bleached when I'm better,Hayds permission required for that).
Theres a few other things but this is what jumps to mind right now.
I'm struggling with sleep as my face in all honesty feels like someone has thrown a pot of boiling water at it 24/7.
As i mentioned its blistered so it is so painful to smile and also to eat.(don't worry i still am eating lots of naughtys to make me feel better).
So this is where i am at right now i so hope my next post will be somewhat a better more positive post.
I cannot wait to be feeling better.
Its so silly but i so miss putting make up on and feeling like a women, also using some lovely scented perfume.
As for moisturiser that would be a luxury right now"I'm not allowed that either".
Although once a day i can splash luke warm water on my face.
There must be a reason for this to happen i just don't no what that reason is at yet.
Maybe to test me and help me grow as a person because of my insecurity's with my body and to prove to me I'm stronger than i think.
I feel for my darling Aaliyah being stuck inside with a miserable tired mum all day,also doesn't help that she is sick at the moment as well.
I do thank my husband for being so caring at the moment, Ringing to check on me in his lunch breaks and doing quick supermarket errands.
This WON'T break me !
Although its having a bloody good go at trying too.!!!!!!!!
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