That crazy thing called Life experience

I find even though i may be growing older, Its true the older you get the more wise you become.

Although i miss things about my youth ie. Having nothing to worry about other than myself & what i want to do that particular day & wear, The no responsibility's & being accountable for know one other than myself!
And all other things associated with this type of thing.
Basically that's all i do miss.

You see i wasn't the nicest of people when i was younger & although i wouldn't change a lot of things i wish i had treated people nicer & respected myself more.

The older i become the more i grow wiser & understand things better

I also feel i am growing into my own person more and have my own Style and Flare.

I am now confident enough to head in any direction i please with confidence that i will be excepted and its ok to make mistakes and not succeed at everything.

I had loved Photography when younger but wasn't confident enough to take it on board at school....

That's something i do regret.

As i have such a passion for all things Photography in particular black and white photography and have found i like to photograph landscapes.
I do so hope to do some sort of course in the future when the children grow a little older.

I also regret not doing Sewing at school as i have always loved creating things but opted to do what other friends had picked. 
In hindsight this is such a stupid childish thing to do but of course i was a child.

So i decided to take up sewing at a ripe age of 29 :) I have made a promise to myself not to Sew anymore until my Craft table is finished being restored and that's a labour of love in its self.

I have over the last year and a half started noticing more what Style i like in all things Interior & have made some bold changes around the house with confidence in that time .
Trusting my vision on what look i Aim to achieve.

I am a house proud person & feel a passion inside when spotting something i know would work beautifully in the space i envision it.

I like all things Shabby Chick & all things Vintage ooze deliciousness with me.

I now look at things differently and would much rather find something old that i can restore to its former beauty or enhance to be something quite unique with my own flare, than opt for the new modern style of furniture or children's toys.

The newer children's toys are quite often plastic & there longevity isn't there now.

I guess you could say I'm 29 turning 30 this year but as the years progress i feel more and more comfortable in my own skin & with that brings a sense of calm.

I no longer feel the need to wear make up everyday & or be a certain size & have a particular look to be excepted. 
You see its not important what anyone else may think of me except what i think of me...

Don't get me wrong theres still a lot i need to change to be completely comfortable in my skin but some things cant be changed.
I cant change whats happened with my body & i cant change the body i have so its up to me to except that and work with it :)

Life is quite a remarkable thing

"Inspiration does not come from the quote itself, but rather the person behind it.


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