Forward Thinking

I would like to think of myself as Fashion Savvy !
I am always aware of whats on Trend & whats HOT & well Whats NOT !!!
Im a Budget Mumma who enjoys the Champagne Lifestyle !!!

I love anything relating to Fashion & Styling  but the big thing is i am the biggest Budget Shopper !!!!!

I always budget for things & always always have something on the cards I'm wanting or wanting to work towards getting for our Family..

Its so easy to rush out buy what you need at the nearest store & be done right ????

Wrong!  Sometimes having a quick check online can save literally Hundreds (Well on big purchase items anyway)by simply shopping around and not rushing out can be huge on savings.

Every little bit adds up !!

And trust me i LOVE to Shop!!!!!

Something i have always done is only ever buy things on Sale !!
If its not on Sale or reduced unless i desperately require it i will not buy it.

I can sit and wait Months for that item to come on Sale but thats me thats my thing!
I get huge satisfaction out of getting something for a bargain  or waiting & eventually buying on Sale.

Don't get my wrong sometimes the wait can drive me crazy but its always worth it in the end.

Hayden is forever saying "How much did you manage to score that for"

I think working in Retail for a number of years you get to see more of what Wholesale Prices are & i just cant justify the mark up Companies put on things !!

Unless its handmade & for a special occasion then i would justify splurging on full price.

When it comes to Clothing
A good *tip is to Shop around at the end of each current season & bulk up on sale items in bigger sizes for the following year,  if you can afford to!
In the long run its incredibly sensible & will work out better for you.

Just this past week i got the Girls some gorgeous clothes for next to nothing $2.00 a item brand new & Licensed  Clothing !

The Week Prior i got King high thread count Sheets at a steal!

But my all time Bargain of the week this week was these gorgeous Ballet Flats for just $1.00 a pair (yes i have brought bigger sizes for next Winter)

Another good *tip when buying New Clothes is to just buy a few key pieces for each season in Colours that will tie in with a range of things & then just get your basic essentials to wear with it.

Birthdays + Xmas i to shop well in advance buying Sale items along the way throughout the year ready to help take pressure off at the busiest crazy time of year which can also be most financially straining & stressful if not prepared !

Xmas 2016 is well under way buying my first items in February this year !
This intern might seem ridiculous to some & thats ok I'm not here to please everyone I'm purely giving my insight to those that might be struggling & at a loss.

Budgeting is beneficial for everything including Holidays !
One thing we would never do is book through a Travel Agent.

If you have the time you could allocate to sit down & research you will save yourself so much $$$$
I even compare prices through Travel agents & Email a number of places with Dates & Carriers i would like to use & they aren't even in the ball park of what you could book yourself if you have the time to invest into planning your Holiday.
This includes any Sight seeing & Shows you wish to go to whilst away.

Why am i telling you all this??
Because Life is really expensive it costs a fortune to Live these days & my Goal is to Live Life to the Max see as much as i can & that means on a Budget !!!

We are a one income Family but Boy do we have Goals!!!

My Bucket List is huge!!!!!

And why shouldn't it be ?


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