
Showing posts from 2010
Finally i have finished this rocking chair and I'm very happy with it. I purchased this in Morayfield last year and it was very worn and scratched but that was ok as i wanted to paint one up myself anyway. I spent such a long time sanding every part then prepping and doing undercoat then finally 2x top coats and TAA DAAA all finished ready to be enjoyed for many years to come. what a great sense of achievement in the finished product :)
I picked this little old mirror up from the Tahnuna Reclycle centre a good year ago now.When i was down there getting some books for Aaliyah to read in Nz. There was something about it that caught my eye and jumped out at me. After finally tracking down some suitable purple spraypaint in Adelaide recently i was able to finish this mirror. I think its super cute and great for a wee girls bedroom. It started off having quite a few chips out of it and was rather run down but with a quick spruce up i think it has come up really well.

That magical time of year

Well its getting close to that magical time of year again and i cant wait, i just looooooove Xmas. For me its not about receiving gifts its more about giving to others and getting together and having a celebration. This will be fourth Xmas away from home and away from loved ones so will be quite isolating but and a big but it is.. I'm not going to let that stop us having a wonderful day.It may be only myself Hayden and Aaliyah OH and Pixie and Paddington but we can still have a lovely time. I found a Xmas pudding at our supermarket made in NZ so its got to be a yummy one and well look forward to that. I'm especially excited about how Aaliyah is going to find Xmas this year as shes a little bit older in saying that last Xmas we could have just got her 3 rolls of Xmas paper as she just so loved ripping the paper open and screwing it up and of course eating it. I no your meant to wait until December 1st to put your tree up but when have i ever been one for tradition???? i have nev...

An excellent Mac Cheese Recipe

I was recently given this excellent Macaroni Cheese Recipe so would love to share it with you. Ingredients + Cheese Milk Plain Flour Bacon Breadcrumbs Margarine Pasta (Now with toddlers using the Bow shaped pasta is excellent as the child can hold the pasta in there fingers).. Grate 2 cups of cheese Add into a saucepan with 4 cups of milk & 1 Tbls of margarine Bring to the boil Add 2 Tbls of flour & stir constantly until the mixture thickens.(dont panic if you get lumps,just keep stiring and they dissapear). If the consistency isnt thick enough add some more flour until it becomes a thick creamy consistency. Then cook 3/4 of a packet of pasta in a pot with a dash of oil and some salt for around 10mins until soft. Mix the cheesy mixture in with your pasta & add chopped bacon . Once mixed all together add this into an oven proof dish & sprinkle a layer f breadcrumbs over top then sprinkle some more cheese across the top again. Put in the oven & cook for around 20-30mi...

Ya Dummy

Why is there such debate over Dummy's /Pacifiers???? Before i had a child i always looked at children with dummy's and to be honest thought they were just awful and so unsightly. And when my baby arrived i was sure i was definitely not going to use a dummy with her. After Aaliyah was sick in New Zealand for 4weeks really bad with a sore throat as well , i was desperate for anything to fix her she was 4months old. I trotted off to the Dr thinking a course of antibiotics would be the order of the day but once i got to the Dr's and he had checked her over i was told that in fact the best thing for me to try was to give her a dummy for awhile until she got better at least as she was so sick and had been crying so so much that he explained as her throat was so sore the more she was crying the more she was hurting her throat and making it worse. So i figured alright I'll give it a go and within a week she became really attached to it. I noticed with her having the Dummy...
Of late i have been getting into Crafts again, Rather than paint Canvas,s like i used to do i have been trying my luck at sanding and re painting a rocking chair i brought off ebay. I like the whole white look and find its so clean, fresh and bright and added with what ever colour theme you like can make the room pop. Aaliyahs room has all white Furniture and the rest is coloured with pinks/ purples with a butterfly theme. While i was pregnant i painted canvas,s to decorate the walls and also did some picture frames painted. i have been finally getting a mirror ready to paint up aswell after having it sitting away for almost a year. I had forgotten how much i enjoy making things and seeing the finished product. Its nice to be busy again and having projects in the pipeline.... My family smiles, They dont complain, Although at times i am a pain. But when all is said and done, I really am a crafty one.

Thats the thing called Life after all

Sitting back and looking back on a recent trip to New Zealand i count my lucky stars to have an amazing group of friends and a close knit family. I am so pleased to be able go through life's journeys with such neat people. I can't help but feel the pinch of not having them around all the time with me but in the long run everything will fall into play. At the moment we are on our adventure in the Desert. Theres days where you think "Seriously what are we doing??? why are we here??" But on the majority of days you find a positive and will find yourself thinking oh gosh that is pretty or hmmm that was quite cool ya no...... Its Spring and jeeze it sure does get hot in the Desert, I wondered into Aaliyahs room the other night at 9.30pm and it was still 29 degrees. So it doesn't cool down to much overnight. My veggies are feeling the heat and its a struggle to keep them prodding along, Hayds project this block off is to make a shade cover for them. The dogs ar...

Hidden Treasures

Sometimes its the things you forget about that are really important and leave an impression on you. We recently went to Lake Mary for the afternoon with our wee one to have a look and get out of town for a little while. It really was so refreshing going there and so picturesque Aaliyah loved to chase the birds and my gosh there was so many different types of wildlife there.From Gullahs to seagulls,Fantails,Parrots and that's just the birds. We saw so many Rabbits and baby Rabbits. There was also lots of holes in the sand from scorpions which is rather scary i would have liked to venture much further into the bush but i need to remind my self i have no idea what could be in there and what to do if something came after me. I was told about this buy some of our friends they said its alright for the kids they get brought up being told at school what to look out for and what types of snakes are deadly etc Its so easy to forget what could be in there and the dangers that lerk but you h...

Absolute dispair

Lately i have been seeing and hearing absolute horrid stories of what people have either done to there own children or whats been done to children. Children are the most pure, innocent little beings that deserve nothing but love, encouragement, guidance and most importantly PROTECTION.... But in some cases no matter how much we try to protect our children things still happen.. That thought alone sends shivers up my spine and that is my biggest worry in life. As a mother i want nothing more than to be able to put a see through protective box around my child to stop anything bad happening to her in her lifetime. It hurts to even watch or hear what is happening in the world around us. How could a human being , One of our own kind EVER !! EVER!!!! Think of hurting a poor innocent child????? I just don't understand how somebody could be that heart less and sick, Sick is the main thing i mean its not normal to hurt anybody but it always brings it home when a child is involved. There was ...


As i start to get better i feel much more positive and feel i have a good handle on this situation with my face. Its healing and is getting much better. Being inside was awful its so hard to not go out and enjoy the fresh air and do things, I also love the sun so having to avoid that is awful. Its funny to think that from now on i will have to wear a hat and cover up. Today for the first time i went to Story time at the library with Aaliyah and didn't wear a scratch of make up no moisturizer nothing (not that i had a choice in the matter) And it honestly didn't actually bother me at all. I even forgot that i wasn't wearing make up. Now coming from me who never leaves the house with out a full face of make up on , that is quite big. I actually feel really good about it and believe that this is my reason for this to happen to me, to help me grow as a person and feel more confident bearing all for the world to see. People that are naturally beautiful and used to not wearing m...
Pics taken of my friends doggie i love Marlee
Photo of the week, Roxby Hotshots

Stressed !!!!!!!

Its day 5 of 2weeks being stuck at home inside as my face heals. I am to avoid sunlight all together . This is one of the hardest times in my life at the moment and i struggle to find the energy to look for positives in this. I have been to the specialist and have been Diagnosed (id rather not elaborate on what.) But at this point in time my face is so so much worse. If you could imagine how sensitive skin is on your face and right now mine is like one blister. I really hope i have been diagnosed correctly and this does actually heal. The Specialist did say it will get much much worse before it starts to get better with the medication. I worry when the blister which covers the majority of my face heals it may leave scarring and i will require laser surgery.That doesn't worry me so much as the pain I'm in now surely is worse. I am not allowed in the sun I am not allowed to use my beloved teeth whitener I'm not allowed to use my toothpaste with whitener in I'm ...


Today and for the past week this small town is starting to get to me. Theres only so much doing nothing someone can take! Its school holidays so that doesn't help as nothing, literally nothing is on during school holidays. I feel like whipping off for the day like i used to be able to do. Just whipping off shopping for hours on end would be great, wondering around a mall, Traveling to one of the outlet stores, Or popping over to Redcliffe for the day. Taking Aaliyah to the park, Feeding the ducks, Going for a swim in a heated pool,Taking Aaliyah for a ride at the mall, Going out for lunch and getting Sushi ....The list goes on. There is not a lot you can do here !!!! I feel like i am trapped sometimes and get quite Claustrophobic at the thought how far in the middle of nowhere we are. I mean a Desert 6hrs from Civilisation.. Saturday night we had a bonfire and a chap there Ryan has now told us that all the lil holes in the Desert everywhere out back of our house is Scorpion holes ...


When i fell pregnant with Aaliyah my face started to come out in a red rash. I wasn't to worried about it to start with as it didn't hurt to much and wasn't itchy or anything.I guess i looked at it in the view "oh well I'm pregnant bigger things to think about and it will go away once baby arrives". I assumed it was probably down to the fact my body was lacking in nutrients and this was its way of telling me so to speak. But once Aaliyah arrived and after a month or so of the rash not passing i started to become a little worried as also the rash was starting to spread. I went to the Dr and the Dr thought it looked liked Roscea so prescribed me some cream. I used the cream thinking "oh great ok now i no what it is yah lets get rid of it". The cream didn't work and my face reacted badly and swelled and the rash spread it was also extremely sore. Back to Dr yet again and over the course of 12months since then they have tried me on different Antibiot...




Who would have known that becoming a mother was my biggest accomplishment so far and to give me the biggest fulfilment in life. I cherish the time i spend with our daughter Aaliyah. Coming from someone who hasn't had any experience what so ever with children,with never having really had an interest with kiddies and never been one to babysit or anything like that i truly didn't realize how much joy they bring into your life. I have always been a happy go lucky type of person, One that's always happy and easily excitable and sometimes a l il over the top ..Best part is now i have someone who just loves the more silly and over the top i be... You no - "Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, Since the payment is pure love xx" From the moment my baby arrived my whole world changed and no matter how many people tell you a million different things from the moment you become pregnant , Nothing and i mean nothing can fully prepare ...

New surroundings

After my initial experience with Roxby Downs after living here for 3 months now i have found out it is actually a neat wee place. The people are super friendly and really go out of there way to talk to you and so polite if you are ever standing at the side of the road waiting to cross everyone i mean everyone just stops there cars to let you cross.Its the littlest things in life that mean the most. We are very lucky to have made friends with our neighbour he has taken Hayden under his wing and been so helpful with any problems or questions we need answered.They are to of the same pod for example for those of you who no Hayden every time someone rings our phone he cant help but make a prank of the call.No matter how many times i have tried to tell him "Hayden that could be your work calling or about a job" He doesn't care he just gets a kick out of it.So today I'm busy making Apple crumble and the phone rings Its a Chinese man asking for Hayden & asking questions o...
Photo of the week/week 2 Roxby Outbackhotshots
Photo of the week for Roxby OutbackHotshots

The Big Move

In march We decided the time was right and we were told about the perfect opportunity for Hayden to get into the Mining industry. We had been trying previously but its a hard shell to crack for someone with no experience in that area . Hayden is such a dedicated worker and puts his all into his work,He loved working at Conroys in Queensland but the hours were to long to be able to enjoy quality family time. So hearing of this opportunity of work in South Australia came as a refreshing chance to experience another part of Australia. So the fun begun... We sent our belongings by Rail and dropped the doggies off at Dolittles pet retreat for a week before they were to fly to Adelaide.We just couldn't take them in the car,Poor wee Paddington gets so very car sick and was sick twice in the car just on the way to the pet retreat,Set amongst the bush lands high up in the hills in Blacksoil town. We travelled down over 6days and saw some of the most amazing countryside.The long strai...